Example: I-F_curve2 (misc)ΒΆ

Input-Frequency curve of a IF model Network: 1000 unconnected integrate-and-fire neurons (leaky IF) with an input parameter v0. The input is set differently for each neuron. Spikes are sent to a spike counter (counts the spikes emitted by each neuron).

from brian import *

N = 1000
tau = 10 * ms
eqs = '''
dv/dt=(v0-v)/tau : volt
v0 : volt
group = NeuronGroup(N, model=eqs, threshold=10 * mV, reset=0 * mV, refractory=5 * ms)
group.v = 0 * mV
group.v0 = linspace(0 * mV, 20 * mV, N)

counter = SpikeCounter(group)

duration = 5 * second
plot(group.v0 / mV, counter.count / duration)

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